Rats are nocturnal animals that like to live in dark, tight spaces. They can squeeze through the tiniest of cracks and crevices and enter your home without you even knowing it. This blog post will teach you how rats get into your house, what they eat inside, and what to do if you find one!
So let’s dive in
How Can Rats Get In Your House?
Here are the various ways a rat can gain access into your home easily without you even releasing it.
- Electrical wires: Rat can get into your home by climbing electrical wires into your home, they usually enter the attic space and then find a way to get into your living area.
a rat can climb up an electrical wire in search of food or shelter if there is no other option available.
a rat can also chew through electrical wires to create its own pathway into the home, this is a major cause of fires in homes due to increased exposure from electricity and they are not able to smell or sense it.
in case you see droppings near your wire connection points then contact an electrician as soon as possible because rats will be chewing on your wires.
Chewing through wood material: Rats are capable of chewing through wood material. Rats will chew their ways through any wood in other to get in your house. When they chew through a wooden beam in the basement, it could cause your house to collapse.
Crack: Rats are also capable of entering your home through small cracks in your walls.
Rats can enter through cracks in the foundation, as well as gaps around pipes or vents which lead to your house. Just one crack is enough for a rat to get into your home and wreak havoc on it!
Therefore, make sure you inspect all areas of your house where there are wood materials that could provide an opening for rats to slip inside.
If any cracks are found make sure to fix them.
If you have pipes, vents, or other gaps in your home’s exterior, cover it with a metal screen to prevent rats from entering through these areas as well.
Hole: Rats can also squeeze through small holes.
Rats are capable of squeezing their way into tiny spaces, such as tiny gaps between boards and the floorboards in your house.
To prevent this from happening make sure to seal off any cracks or gaps that may lead outside with a heavy-duty caulk. When you do this it would keep rats from entering your house.
Opening in the roof and roof sheathing: Rats can also climb up the gutter, find an opening near your roof’s vent and make their way into your house.
Plumbing lines that aren’t properly sealed: Rats can enter your house through the pipes in your plumbing system.
To prevent this, make sure to have a professional plumber come and seal any cracks or gaps that they might find near these lines.
Bath traps: Rats can also find their way into your house by using bath traps.
Bath traps are the holes that lead from the flooring to a toilet or other type of drainage system, and rats will be able to climb out through them if they’re not sealed properly. To prevent this you should have these gaps filled in with metal mesh at all times.
Floor drains: Rats can also enter your house through floor drains.
To prevent this, seal off any gaps around them with heavy-duty caulk and make sure that they’re not located near a wall or other type of crack in the home’s foundation.
Sewer connections: Rats can squeeze through any hole that is smaller than an inch. Even sewer connections can be used by rats to enter your home. So always make sure you check if everything is fine with your sewer connections.
What Causes Rats To Come In Your House?
Rats can come into your house for several reasons including:
- – Overcrowding inside the home (rats are social animals, living alone is not an option)
- Food sources :rats will feed on anything edible they find. Rats are also attracted to any source of water or moisture that may be present in and around your home.
- The presence of pets :rats will scavenge for food in pet dishes, and sometimes even take their food
- Structural gaps or holes :if any cracks are present anywhere inside your home they may serve as an entry point. Rats can also enter through vents, drainage pipes, or other similar openings.
- nesting sites near a house (if there is one nearby).
When there are in search of a new home
What To Do If You Have A Rat Infestation?
First and foremost,
If you have noticed evidence of rat infestations then it’s best to act swiftly. Follow these steps:
Identify possible entrances that could be used by rodents: Check all around the building perimeter looking for potential areas where rats might enter such as under doorsills, window sills, outside walls, or air conditioning units
Remove any sources of food: Make sure to remove all garbage, pet foods, and anything else that may be attracting rats. It is also a good idea to place traps for these rodents around the perimeter of your property as well or use some natural rodent repellents
Clear out clutter- Rats love dark spaces so make sure you look under couches, beds, and other furniture where they might hide. Clear out any piles of rubbish lying around too such as newspapers or magazines.
For a more natural solution, use some rodent repellents such as peppermint oil mixed with water that can be sprayed on areas where rodents are likely to enter from – for example at doorways or openings leading into the attic, etc
Finally if you can get rid of the rats alone contact a pest control company. They’ll know what to do and will have the means (rats are tricky to get rid of)
Related Questions
What attracts rats to your house? Rats are looking for a safe place to nest, and your home offers just that. The rats look for food in the trash cans near your house, so they might hide there too.
Where do rats hide in a house? Rats like dark, tight spaces that are safe from predators. They might hide in the space between your walls and ceiling or inside of your cabinets.
Which of the following areas did you discover that rats could get in your home, What tips did you find interesting in others to prevent them from coming into your house?